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208827 Criar Memorial
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Dear Son, I will always remember this first Memorial Day since your passing.  I am used to going to visit my Grandparent's graves & your Grandpa Murrell's grave on Memorial Day weekend.  However instead of carrying you along with us, we could only add flowers to your grave.  This was the first time Daddy & your sisters got to see your beautiful new headstone.  Seeing your headstone was a little hard for daddy.  Know that you are always in our hearts & on our minds.  We love you baby!
Grandma Shell

Sweet baby boy, we think of you this memorial day and wish so much you were here. It is us who are so honored and grateful we could be there when you were born. Your mom and dad are the strongest, bravest,people I know.I am just in awe of them. I know some day we will all see you again and get to hold. This I have to believe. fly high baby boy.. Love you now and forever and for always..


My sweet son, I have so many memories of your short time here on earth. I will always remember your dark wavy hair & how you had so much of it.  I will never forget how much you moved around when you were in my tummy, you moved way more than the girls ever did, it was so exciting being able to feel you in there.  I could often look down & see you moving inside of me.  I'll always remember each time I got to hear your heartbeat & how relieved I always was afer that.  The best moment in my entire pregnancy was the moment I found out I was going to have a boy!  I was not only excited for myself but especially for daddy who would never say it, but I knew he was really hoping for a boy. Also for my whole family who so much had been wanting me to have a boy.  I am always going to remember that so soft adorable outfit you had on that Grandma Chelle & Grandma Lisa picked out for you to have your pictures taken in.  However, I will always regret that I took the advice of the funeral director & let them throw out the outfit because they said I would not want it back due to the blood on it after the autopsy.  Right now I would love to have that outfit to cuddle & feel the softness. Your uncle Steve took Taylor & Brooke to pick out the cutest little stuffed animals for you that they placed in your precious little coffin.  I 'll never forget how nice Nurse Bekah was to me & my entire family & how she let Cousin Haley blow dry your hair after she washed it.  I am so thankful for Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep & how they came & took the beautiful pictures of you so we will always remember.  One of my most special memories of the whole situation is how my family was there for me through everything.  I feel I have become much closer to  them because of this.  Daddy, Grandma Chelle, Grandpa Steve, Uncle Mike & Aunt Jenny were there at the hospital with me every single day practically the whole day to lend their support.  They were still there for me after I came home, making sure my needs were met, stomach was full & house was clean, as well as Grandpa Kevin, Grandma Lisa & Aunt Kayla.  It was so nice to have them all there to lean on when I needed them most.  I remember how Uncle Michael would pick up all my used tissues for me & then became sick himself afterwards.  And  Grandma Murrell, Aunt Colleen, Aunt Julie & Aunt Mary were so helpful in taking care of your sisters & anything else that needed done.  They are always there for me without having to be asked, they simply offer to do nice things. Of course we can't forget Aunt Diane who is willing to help out in any way she can.  I'm always going to remember how much fun Daddy & I had picking out paint & wallpaper border for your room.  He was so excited to decorate your room in Iowa Hawkeyes stuff.  I've never seen him so excited about decorating a room before!  Daddy has been wonderful in all this & I could never have asked for a better husband or father for my children, he is truely my soul mate. I will always remember that you were buried in the outfit that Cousin Alex was baptized in because Aunt Colleen was so thoughtful to offer it to us.  It was the cutest little white suit.  One of my biggest disappointments is that I was not able to see you in it.  I regret that I was not able to take that final look at you before the visitation.  I'm always going to remember how Daddy carried you out in your precious little coffin all by his self & placed you into the car to go to the cemetary, that was so heartbreaking.  I will never forget how many people came to your visitation, sent flowers, cards, or gifts to show us their support.  The cards kept coming for weeks & this was so special to us.  We are blessed to know so many wonderful , caring people.  Well I'm sure I could continue on for hours, but I had so much that I just wanted to share.  I will remember you in my heart & continue to think of you every day until we meet in heaven.  I love you my sweet boy.

Gramma Shell

Sweet baby boy, almost 3 months since we held you .. We all still miss you so very much. I hope Grandma Phyllis and Grandma O' and Grandpa Jim are there keeping you with them until we can hold you again.. I love you so very much...

Aunt Jennifer
    Thought of you today, and my heart filled with so much sorrow.  I am missing you more today.  I hope that you are living in Jesus' heavenly playground he has made for you.  I hope he is singing you some great lullibies.  Some days I cannot wait to get there and meet you.  I sit and wonder what your little voice will sound like, who you look more like?  These things we will never get to find out.  I talk to you from time to time, do you hear me?  I miss you so much Steven.  Know that you will always be in my heart, thoughts and prayers.  Please continue to look down on all of us from time to time.  We need that.  Spread those beautiful wings and let your halo shine.  I love you, Aunt Jenny
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