It was in July 2008 that we found out we were expecting a new baby. This was going to be our third child. We were so excited because we had been trying to conceive for over a year. Before this conception we had also tried for a baby for about a year when we found out I was pregnant ,but then after only 8 weeks was told I had a blighted ovum & would have to have a D&C. We had been wishing for a very long time for this next pregnancy. We found out I would be due on March 29, 2009. I was so nervous the first trimester because I thought I might have another blighted ovum or suffer a miscarraige because I had also had two previous miscarraiges before our two girls were born. I felt much relief once I was able to hear the heartbeat for the first time & had my first ultrasound at 12 weeks. Everything was looking good so far. On November 17 at 22 weeks I had a second ultrasound. We found out that day that we would be having a boy! We were overyjoyed! This was to be our first boy! We could not have been more happy! This was also to be the first grandson on my side of the family. Immediately we knew we would name him Steven James. Steven after my father & James after Tom's father.
The New Year came & everything continued to be going well, I had finally reached the third trimester & was beginning to count the weeks until you would arrive. My days were consumed with getting the room ready for you, decorating, washing all the clothes & toys we had for you. I was obsessed with all things baby! I was more prepared then I ever was with my other two pregnancies. Everything was going to be perfect!
However, somehow at 34 weeks something went very wrong. You had always been a very active baby, moving all over the place. Thursday evening while laying in bed I felt two very strange movements from you. It was as if you were twisting around. It felt & looked like you were going to pop right out of my stomach. I told daddy what strange movements you just made, but didn't think much more of it. Over the weekend we were very busy with big sister Taylor having her first dance competition. My mind the whole weekend was consumed with worry about you. It didn't seem as though you were making any movements. I kept trying to tell myself that maybe you were moving & I just didn't notice because we were too busy. I thought perhaps I was going to go into labor soon & that's why you weren't moving as much. Never did I want to let myself believe that something horrible had happened. After complaining to daddy all weekend that I didn't think you were moving, he made me call the Dr. In my stupidity I had been putting this off because I did not want to bother the Drs. on the weekend & was worried that they would think I was only a paranoid woman. The Dr. told us to come on up to the hospital to be hooked up to a monitor. They told us this was the standard procedure & everything was probably fine. They say people come in for this all the time & after a short period of monitoring are usually sent back home & everythings o.k. We started to feel relief when the nurse told us the baby was moving & that's why she was having a little trouble picking up a heartbeat. We were much more relieved when she found the heartbeat & strapped the monitor on. I was still a little concerned because I noticed the heartbeat wasn't as loud or fast as I thought it should be. A few minutes later the nurse said she thought she was picking up my heartbeat & not the babys. I was so nervous as she tried again to find the babys heartbeat. After a few moments she asked my husband & children to leave the room. At this point I knew life as we knew it was over & all our hopes & dreams for our precious new son would come to an abrupt end. She called in another nurse to help find the heartbeat with a special doppler. Next they called in the Dr. to take a chance. They had my husband come back to the room & found someone to sit with the children. They called in an ultraound technician who confirmed, no there was no beating heart & it looked like he had been gone a couple days. This was the absolute worst moment of my life. I was in total shock & disbelief. How can his happen? Babies are not supposed to just die in the womb when they are perfectly healthty.
The Dr. then gave us our options for delivering Steven. We choose to go with a c-section because I did not want to go through hours of labor for a baby who was all ready gone. They sent us home that evening since it was later in the day on a Sunday & told us to come back in the morning for the procedure.
On Monday, February 16, 2009 at 9:30a.m. our precious angel baby Steven was born weighing 6 pounds 2 ounces & was 19 1/4 inches long. He was a beautiful boy with lots of dark wavy hair.
An autopsy was done as well as several other tests. Everything came back perfectly normal. We were told there was nothing wrong with any of his organs as well as nothing genetically wrong with him. Basically he was a perfectly healthy baby. Which leaves us wondering, "Why".